Friday, November 23, 2018

It's the HA-HA days again!

Can you believe it?  It feels like we just started 2018 and now we're finished with Thanksgiving already!  I could have lived without the pneumonia or having them take the two liters of fluid from my heart but Still in all 2018 has been a good year!  How about you? Leave a comment and let me know.  Here's a few things to consider:




Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Holy halibut ! 2 Liters!

Hi , Sorry Its been a while but I was in the hospital last week.  They drained off two liters of fluid from around my heart. . I'm doing better but they've got nurses coming to the house now.

At least I got out in time to vote!  Regardless of whether or not your candidate won, I hope you were a part of the record turn out!

We now have at least two out of three branches of the government working for us! YAY!

Here some other things for your intelectual wanderings. :





Let me know what you think. Have a great day!