Friday, February 17, 2017

This one might interest you!

I had a story published this week! YAY! It's the success story of the week for 2/15/17

on  click on the link and check it out!

Here's a couple more links that may be of interest:

Remember I'm still looking for your comments!

Always keep ideas brewing! 

See you soon! 

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Let's talk!

Greetings:  I hope you have enjoyed viewing the answers to some of life's questions here.  However,
I'm not getting the view numbers I need to make this blog viable. Don't get me wrong, I love it that those of you who enjoy this blog read it constantly and faithful!  I'm just wondering if there was something I could do to make your experience even better! I look forward to your comments. Here are the videos for this time:

All suggestions and comments welcome! Thanks! See you next time.