Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Happy Holidays!

This is a time of renewal for a lot of folks. Myself included. I've done a few presentations, a few readings and a few consulting appointments. I've also seen more doctors that I'd care to in my lifetime but considering my past health issues I'm lucky its not worse.  Here's a few things to enjoy this holiday season:



3 .


Neat huh? 

Happy holidays! 

Friday, November 23, 2018

It's the HA-HA days again!

Can you believe it?  It feels like we just started 2018 and now we're finished with Thanksgiving already!  I could have lived without the pneumonia or having them take the two liters of fluid from my heart but Still in all 2018 has been a good year!  How about you? Leave a comment and let me know.  Here's a few things to consider:




Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Holy halibut ! 2 Liters!

Hi , Sorry Its been a while but I was in the hospital last week.  They drained off two liters of fluid from around my heart. . I'm doing better but they've got nurses coming to the house now.

At least I got out in time to vote!  Regardless of whether or not your candidate won, I hope you were a part of the record turn out!

We now have at least two out of three branches of the government working for us! YAY!

Here some other things for your intelectual wanderings. :





Let me know what you think. Have a great day!

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Moving on.

Hey y'all: I just got a call from my doctor congratulating me for staying out of the hospital for 30 days! I guess what I had was a LOT more serious than I thought it was. Here's some points of interest:


Interesting huh?  I've been doing some corporate trainings. will share more wen doing public again. 

See you next time.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

it's secure now!

YAY! Blogger Rules! Here's a couple of things to make you think:


Pretty neat huh?  I've got a few private group seminars I'm doing , I'll let you know the next time I'm doing one for the public. ( hint: I'm scheduled to do one ion december but that has not been confirmed.)     See you next time!  

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Still working on it!

Hi, I've tried everything i can think of to make this blog secure  but the task is beyond me. So I'm asking for help! I've got a few Internet gurus I know so I'll keep trying. The Webinar was good , even though I had heart issues and was almost in the hospital through it. I got out at noon the day before! Heart issues,. enough said.  Here's a couple of things to keep you going till next time:




See you next time.

Friday, September 7, 2018

This site is now secure!

Hi Everybody : Please accept my apologies!  I was just informed that this blog site was not secure. I have made the changes in the settings so it is now!  Here's a little more info:




There is still time to register for the webinar on  September 13th. Here's the link: 

See you next time! 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

We have people!

Hi folks: we have 5 registrations for the webinar on September 13th at noon! YAY!   We need more though. I'll post the link at the bottom of this post. I'[d love to see you there. Here's a few other things to "make you say hmm":

 WALLs around trash.


Healthy donkey milk!



Here's the registration link to my seminar and please feel free to share this blog with friends and family! 

See you next time!

Monday, August 20, 2018

On to the next things!

HI again, Life is going fantabulous for me right now! I've got a webinar coming up on September 13th 2018 at noon. I'll post the registration link bellow in case you want to come. Registration is required for this one so please sign up! Here's a few other things to think about as well.





Interesting stuff huh?  Here's that Link to the seminar registration page that I promised you : 

Hope to see you at the webinar! Have a great Day! 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

A few more things to think about!

Hi, Well we made it past July 4th and they got the soccer team out of the cave! Jim Rohn had a point when he said "the next ten thousand years are going to be a lot like the last ten thousand years.The sun will rise, water is going to stay wet and there will be opportunity mixed with difficulty. Sometimes more opportunity, sometimes more difficulty but the mix will still be there. "  A few words of comfort in these times. Here's a few other thoughts:


Interesting stuff huh? 

I've got some events coming up:

3. I'm doing a webinar on September 13th at noon called Sales 101. . . If you'd
Like the linke to join in the webinar please message me on linked in at :

Have a great day! 

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Sunday, April 29, 2018

On to Summer!

We have a saying in Rochester, NY " If you don't like the weather, wait five minutes, it will change."
 We have not been living up to billing as it has been cool for 93 days! There was no February or march thaw. Just 93 days of cool January weather. Stability in the weather is a nice change, but I like HOT! Here's a few things to help warm up your brain:




See you next time!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Happy Spring!

Hi folks, the sun is shining, but its still snowing here in Roch,NY. We call it the 95th day of January.  How is the weather where you are? I went to an awards gala last night. I took my mom. She had fun.
there were some good people and the food wasn't half bad, but there were only about 53 people including my mom and I..Maybe it was the weather.  Anyway, here's a few things to think about:



I've got an event coming up in August.Tickets are available. Check it out!

See you next time! 

Friday, March 23, 2018

It may take a while, but if at all possible I keep my promises!

Hi everybody,

The three cures for the 800 Pound Phone syndrome!
Come learn how to make those important calls. 
Lawrence R. Berger has over twenty years of telemarketing experience and has begun sharing his tricks of the trade. Come join him at The Rochester Brainery, 176 Anderson Ave. Rochester, NY 14607 on Sunday August 5th 2018 from 11:00 am-2:00pm. The fee for this workshop is only $20 so come on down!   Call (585)233-1068 or email to register. Send payments via PayPal to that email or contact Lawrence via phone or email to make arrangements! See you there!

Here's a few more things.



check it out!

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

More to come part two.

Hi again, Keep watching this blog! I'm still figuring out my web came but I'm now able to do video conferencing over the Zoom network. Send me an email at if you have webcam, microphone and headset if you want a video chat.  As soon as I can figure out how to do it I'll post some video to this blog. In the mean time, here are a few things of interest for you!





 See you next time!

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Just 11 More. Can we wait?

Wow! 45 gave a speech last night! Can you believe its already been a year onto his term? Where does the time go?  I just bought a Webcam and a microphone so be watching for video on this blog!  Here's a few more Ideas for this time.

1. Gotta crow a little bit, My back is straightening out for the first time in 44 years after eight Car accidents and  a lifetime of Scoliosis! It's thanks to the Acupuncturist I've been seeing for the past year. It's our anniversary next week so I'm posting his brand new web site:

Check it out!




See you next time!

Wednesday, January 10, 2018


There is an old Chinese curse: " May you live in interesting times!"  And iof the last ten days have shown us anything it's that 2018 is sure going to get interesting!  Oprah is considering a run for office, Awards season has kicked off. I made money last year.  What a ride and we're only TEN DAYS into the year!

Here's some other stuff to think on:




See you  next time!